This is the 28th video in a series on remaking Hotline Miami in GameMaker Studio.

The video tutorial shows you how to use the lasts videos state machine to go to a target point and back. Here we will establish the player to activate the ai of every enemy that is in a circle of sight and which can actually see the player by having a line of sight also. When these two conditions are met we give the enemy a reaction time of a second to start its ai to go towards the last saved position of the player. Since we loop this ai activation from the player, the last position is being reset all the time.

For the future: This series will end after the ai is in a good state and we will do the requested revolving doors also. After that, this series goes into maintenance mode and is offically over. The project will be updated then to the up to date version (when I finish the ai) and will be advanced/refined a bit more. This little extra will be not part of the series.

Path finding with mp_grid:

Project + assets found here: (will be updated once the state machine is done)

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0:00 Explaining what we will do
2:08 Subscribe
2:18 Concept explained
3:47 Coding part

1up Indie

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