What makes a good boss battle/fight? This video shows regular halmarks of every boss fight we see in countless video games and how they achieve a good feeling by playing against bosses.

This video series shows in the second part (this one here!) the point of view from the perspective of an artist. The job of the artist is to get or make the visual xor accustic parts of the game. A good artist has an eye/ear for styles and knows where to get the resources needed for the project. This skill is critical because it can easily break the game and make it less appealing for the target audience. This is more forgiving in the indie sphere, but branching off to new risky terrains can be a big advantage or total disaster.

An indie game like Hotline Miami is loved by the community and the biggest boost is the way the music and graphics carry the game feel.

This video shows you, a crash course into tilesets in GameMaker Studio 2 and different animations softwares like Juice Fx or the free alternative SpookyGhost. For this type of project you can use photo editing software, which can be free software like Gimp, ms Paint, Os Paintbrush or commercial software like Aseprite or Infinity Photo.

Animation software:

(Free) Spooky Ghost

Commercial Juice Fx
https://codemanu.itch.io/juicefx (cheaper here)

Pixel/photo editing software:

(Free) Ms Paint or Os Paintbrush
(Free) Gimp

(Commercial) Infinity photo

(Commercial) Aseprite (there is legal way to get it for free)

If you want to get free art/music/sound you can get that for free or buy for some fair prices at these websites:


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